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Re: OpenStreetMap tile rendering stack in debian-gis

Hi Hamish,

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 03:10:20AM -0700, Hamish wrote:
> Andreas:
> > I do not agree with the point Hamish is making here.
> Careful, I don't think you see my point correctly. :)

That's granted.  I do not have mind reading abilities. ;-)

> I wear a
> number of hats, in this case I was talking about to make OSGeo's
> Live DVD work before it needs to go to the printers for some
> specific conference we/I have to use some unkosher hacks (from
> from a debian packaging point of view) from time to time. I'm
> not trying to say it's a good thing, just different solutions
> for a different set of needs. On the xUbuntu OSGeo Live dvd
> when the official packages are too far out of date or simply
> not there (as is the case for most of the Java apps), we either
> pull them from a private PPA (like UbuntuGIS's one), rebuild
> them ourselves (as I did for osm2pgsql as we wanted a non-ancient
> version), or do some ugly boot time work-around hack to get past
> some bug. Some of the packages on the disc are now packaged into
> .debs for the first time because of the effort.

OK, I see you are working perfectly in the right direction - perhaps you
might profit from some help to speed this up.

> IMO the PPAs are
> a great low-barrier-to-entry low-harassment training ground for
> growing new packagers, teaching them the tools.

... as long as they do not get used to this sandbox model and grow up to
use real Debian package.  I somehow have the impression that people
consider their work finished once some software ended up in some random

> The PPAs are a
> total PITA from a the point of view of some sysadmin trying to
> maintain a sane system,

I cound not have said this better.

> but that's not really the point or the
> target audience.

Hmmm, who exactly is your target audience?

> Our long-term working goal for the osgeo live dvd is to have
> everything as deb, and my personal long-term goal is to have
> those debs integrated into Debian.

Cool!  Lets work on this goal together.

> (since anything that isn't
> is often problematic, and those problems end up becoming my
> problems) If a PPA is a step along that road, fine with me.

I do not intend to ban PPAs but they support a certain level of lazyness
- this should not happen.

> And so, in general I agree with you! AFA my own efforts, any
> effort going into anything but upstream DebianGIS pkging is
> wasteful double handling, "do it right the first time" would be
> better, but the world can be a fuzzy place with some level of
> inefficiency to it.

Even if I'm a big fan of "do it right the first time" I have no handle
to force people to follow this principle.  We need to accept each
supporters way to handle his personal work - but we can try to teach
making things better.

> The scripts I linked to provide some real-world guidance of what
> needs to be fixed to get everything working together, and at least
> some work-arounds to get folks started, simply "in the hope that
> they will be useful", and that's all.

We should talk about these scripts once all the precondistions are
inside Debian.

> > Do you need a sponsor for your work?
> if you have any spare time, I've been trying to get the finalized
> OpenCPN package sponsored by someone for almost a year.. (ITP# 538067)
> I'd pretty much given up trying until the release freeze was over,
> the fastest option was looking like me going through the DD process
> myself.

See my other mail.  Hopefully I will be able to help you.

Kind regards


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