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Re: [DebianGIS] New Debian GIS Live CD build for Lenny and Squeeze

Petter wrote:
> Today I stumbled across my old build directory for the
> Debian GIS Live CD, and decided to give it a test.

fyi I continued that effort over in the OSGeo svn:

but then an approach using a base distribution of xUbuntu and
a series of custom post-install scripts on a virtual machine,
and then build that VM into a ISO using RemasterSys was adopted.
(folks thought that would be easier than live-helper/debian, but
now we are looking for a better way...)
  [ "we" meaning mostly Alex ;) ]

a whole pile of install scripts for Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid: (active
work in progress)

finalized install scripts for Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic can be found
in the svn branches/.

... and it all took off from there. We've probably handed out
1000+ of these by now.  ISOs at  http://live.osgeo.org

maybe some of those build scripts can be useful. gdal, postgres,
and libboost package versions typically need to be tweaked per
release but otherwise they should be fairly ready to drop into



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