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Re: [DebianGIS] delete alioth trackers?

On Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 09:22:35PM -0700, Hamish wrote:
> Because of the class of bug (2) I would vote to keep the Alioth trackers open for packages-in-development by DebianGIS but not in Debian yet.
> Those bugs have no home in the Debian BTS but are still useful.

Well, originally I opened the trackers for stuff-not-in-main. At the time it was mainly the old debian-gis archive.
This criterium could still apply, because we have a few packages still out-of-main but present in svn.
Unfortunately those trackers result quite confusing for general users and it is probably more effective
redericting them on this list. So I vote for dropping alioth trackers.

Francesco P. Lovergine

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