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[Freedombox-discuss] Today's Upstream Updates

Hi folks, today's updates include:

- Freedom-Maker Setup package reviewed and updated.

- Freedom-Maker Setup now puts Plinth behind SSL.

  - We should put JWChat behind SSL as well.

  - JWChat and Plinth should both be in root sub-directories, not custom

- Freedom-Maker has been updated to let FM-Setup handle most

- WithSqLite now handles more than one table per database.

Petter will soon package and publish some of these changes to Debian as
time allows.  After those changes are in, some FM changes will have to
be reverted to point directly to the Debian mirrors instead of Petter's
custom repositories.

Once the Apache SSL configuration is moved into Plinth, we should
probably formally tag a Plinth version.

Once we get a message passing system between boxes in place, we should
probably formally tag a FreedomBox 0.2 release, as well.

FreedomBuddy is still waiting on the database version changes, which
will pave the way to providing an introduction mechanism and a set of
default services (between new peers).  Now that I'm caught up on
outstanding patches, I'll work on those pieces shortly.

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