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[Freedombox-discuss] Addressing

Although I think it would be great if Freedom Boxes came preconfigured and
able to use Tor, I do think that if whatever gets built ends up being
incompatible with normal web browsers and e-mail clients, then it will never
get any traction and will never achieve its goals.  If I can only connect
and communicate with other Freedom Box users, then there is no reason to buy
such a box in the first place. Chicken and egg.  We have to be "backwards
compatible" with the "normal Internet".

I am of course biased, as I am working on a solution to make standard DNS
and HTTP/HTTPS work just fine, even for machines hidden behind a bunch of
firewalls (if you expect normal users to reconfigure their routers, then you
are again never going to reach the mass market). :-)

I hope to drop some code next week sometime and will be looking for

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 2:03 PM, Jon Spriggs <jon at sprig.gs> wrote:

> On 2 September 2010 14:13, John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org> wrote:
> > On 09/01/2010 02:41 PM, Jon Spriggs wrote:
> >
> >> As an aside, I'd be interested in being involved in writing this, if
> >> not doing a serious chunk of it :)
> >
> > As far as I'm concerned, that is a winning argument for your proposal
> right
> > there.
> That said, my coding skills aren't great, so I'd be happy to start
> something, and then ask for contributions.
> I'm also working on a couple of other projects, some of which are
> being actively used at events in coming weeks, so this won't have all
> my focus right now, but I'm really keen to start something going here.
> I think if we agree on a common API for propagating details, then this
> could have a use outside of the FreedomBox project, and perhaps into
> more of the distributed social networking services (such as StatusNet,
> Elgg and more)
> I've created a Gitorious project
> (http://gitorious.org/socialservicefinder) and I'm looking forward to
> more people getting involved ;)
> All the best,
> --
> Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs
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Bjarni R. Einarsson

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