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The fontsource monorepo


I was just looking at the upstream package for fonts-roboto-fontface.
It is archived upstream, but the author recommends migrating to
This is a monorepo with perhaps thousands of open source fonts in it.

I do not have the capacity to work on packaging (any of) it, but I'm
flagging it up here as it might be an interesting and valuable project
for someone or a small group to work on, and allow Debian to provide
these fonts as part of its distribution.

(TL;DR: I built some docs with mkdocs-material, and lintian reported a
generic privacy breach with the resulting documentation.  It turns out
that mkdocs-material includes code to pull fonts from
fonts.googleapis.com.  This probably can't be fixed in
mkdocs-material, because there is no way of knowing at document
creation time what fonts will be available on the local system.  So I
wondered: could I at least replace the references to Roboto and Roboto
Mono by local references in the generated documentation.  But there is
currently no package providing Roboto Mono with CSS support.)

Best wishes,


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