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Re: iproute2, alternative tables, no default route: routing trouble for localhost


Pokotilenko Kostik a écrit :

1. There 3 servers and a router with 2 PPPoE connections (let call them:
ppp0, ppp1).
2. There are several groups of Inet-clients to be served (Servers,
Clients and Club).
3. The task is:
   - to route Club through the ppp1;
   - to Servers and Clients through ppp0;
router # netstat -nr
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface   U         0 0          0 eth0
a1.a2.a3.a4 U         0 0          0 ppp0
b1.b2.b3.b4 U         0 0          0 ppp1
router # ip rule ls
0:      from all lookup local
32763:  from lookup Club
32764:  from lookup Clients

There's something wrong with these two rules. and are not valid subnets. And if the IP routing strips the irrelevant least significant byte, they are actually identical subnets :

32765:  from lookup Servers
32766:  from all lookup main
32767:  from all lookup default

router # ip route ls table Clients
default via a1.a2.a3.a4 dev ppp0

You should set an exception for eth0's address, else the router won't be able to reach with this source address.

router # ip route ls table Servers
default via a1.a2.a3.a4 dev ppp0

router # ip route ls table Club
default via b1.b2.b3.b4 dev ppp1


So, to summarize, the is no default route in main routing table. Each
group of clients is to be routed through its respective connection, and,
when its connection is down it is not to be routed.

This scheme works almost fine, addresses are really
being routed through ppp0, through ppp1 and (3 Servers) through ppp0. BUT the router itself
( has no route to any host.

Yes it has routes to some hosts : see the 'main' routing table. Did you mean "no route to any host but and the two PPP peers" ?

I get "network is unreachable"
to any connection attempt from And I can't connect to this
router from outside, because the packets have no route to be sent back.

I thought that there is different routing politics for localhost and
added default route to "local" table. has started to have
the route, but the rest of the scheme started to work incorrectly.

Don't do that. The "local" routing table is intended only for special routes such as localhost or broadcast routes.

So, the question is: how does the routing of packets comming from
localhost is being accomplished?

In the same way as the routing of forwarded packets. From "ip rule" point of view, locally generated traffic is selected with "iif lo" (see iproute manual). Be aware that when the local source address is not explicitly specified by the sending application, none of your custom rules will match, so the "main" table will be used. But it contains no default route.

By the way, in your setup I don't understand how the destinations and are routed.

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