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	Henry Hollenberg     speed@barney.iamerica.net 

On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, Michael Meskes wrote:

> I just found a mailer written by Wietse Venema (sp?) the author of the
> tcp-wrapper, co-author of Satan etc. IMHO this one is the way to go. Just
> check the goals from www.vmailer.org:

Intresting....I think I saw mention of it when I was searching for
licensing on qmail...is VMailer ready?  Where do we get a copy?

I read thru D. Berenstein's license web page and the legal
references....and it sounds like this regarding qmail:

If we download it from his site or have an automated script download it
from his site we are at least "half way there" regarding  private or
commercial use since it won't be us "distributing" or "selling" his
software....simply assisting someone else to obtain a legal copy using
"their inet connection/download".  Once they obtain the legal copy they
can use it for private use if they like and modify it all they want...it's

But I'm still not sure it's the consultants to sell, this just
clears us on the DebWall project, .....from the reading of this
information it almost looks like the consultant needs to have the
customer they are selling to come into the wiring closet and hit the
"ENTER" at the prompt:

"I will now download the qmail program from the legal ftp site for use in
this firewall, is this OK Y/n/?"

That way the consultant is not distributing/selling qmail either, simply
assisting the customer in obtaining/configuring it.

Now I know this sounds like quibling over fine points, but there it is,
the law state that DB has "exclusive" rights to sell qmail.  That
"excludes" us; according to my interpretation (for what that is
worth :-)).

I have emailed DB to see what he says with this direct question....
"Can a consultant use qmail in a commercial fire wall"  of something
pretty close to that.  We'll see what the response is.  Of course he could
give a limited waiver just for this purpose I guess....it's his copyright!


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