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FOSDEM: schedule, booth, and devroom volunteers


This will be the schedule for the FOSDEM Debian developers' room:

Saturday 2008-02-23
14:00 - 14:30: Video team set-up
14:30 - 15:30: Neil Williams: Cross-building Debian and Tdebs
15:30 - 16:30: Luk Claes: Lenny: the past and the future.
16:30 - 17:00: Lars Wirzenius: Unperish - automating package build, QA, upload
17:00 - 18:00: Enrico Zini: Apt Xapian Index, or, Everything You Always Wanted to Index About Debian Packages, But were Afraid to Ask
18:00 - 19:00: Holger Levsen: Debian-Edu: the long road to Debian

Sunday 2008-02-24
09:00 - 09:30: Video team set-up
09:30 - 10:00: Wouter Verhelst: the Belgian electronic ID card in Debian
10:00 - 11:00: Henning Sprang: Update on Virtualization in Debian (testing and unstable)
11:00 - 12:00: Martin Michlmayr: Running Debian on Inexpensive Network Storage Devices
12:00 - 13:00: Andreas Barth: etch-n-half: Supporting new hardware within stable
13:00 - 14:00: Lunch break
14:00 - 14:45: Petter Reinholdsen: Reordering the Debian boot sequence for correctness and speed
14:45 - 15:30: Frank Lichtenheld: Creating a nice view into the Debian archives (packages.debian.org)
15:30 - 16:00: Samuel Thibault: How accessible is Debian?
16:00 - 17:00: Pierre Habouzit: Packaging with git (or $DSCM)
17:00 - 18:00: Martin Krafft: netconf - design and overview

This schedule is 99% certain; I haven't had a confirmation from any of
the speakers yet (typing this in a Starbucks' in Paris), but there
shouldn't really be any changes anymore (I made this with a list of who
could talk when, nearby).

Having said that,

I'd like to ask for a volunteer to "man" the developers' room. We did
this last year, in that besides myself, Steve McIntyre and Thijs
Kinkhorst both had a half-day shift in the developers' room where they'd
introduce speakers and keep an eye on the clock. I think this worked
well, and I'd like to repeat it. Steve has already volunteered to do the
same work this year, so that leaves me asking for one other volunteer.

Additionally, we still need to organize something for the booth. I'd
said previously that I'd prefer not to do a babelbox this year, because
I thought we'd already done that twice[1]; but so far I've not heard any
better suggestions (or any suggestions at all, really). If people have
ideas of something we could show off this year, please speak up now;
otherwise, Frans, could you find the time to do a babelbox setup anyway
(in Cc, since I'm not sure whether you read -events-eu)?

Finally, I also need to figure out what to do with manning the booth. In
previous years, I'd asked for volunteers who would all have to stay at
the booth for a one-hour shift, in the expectance that they wouldn't be
alone (but they would be responsible for the property during their
assigned slot, and be required to be at the booth during that time).
I found last year that this doesn't work so well; so a change is in
order there. At this point I'm considering to increase the time slot to
two hours, but I'm not sure whether that will really solve the issue. At
any rate, volunteers for the booth would be needed, and perhaps we can
then work out something among those who volunteer to work at the booth.
Interested parties are urged to mail me at wouter@debian.org


[1] Frans told me I was mistaken, and that we've done this only once at
FOSDEM. I'm not sure myself; but in any case it doesn't really matter
all that much.

<Lo-lan-do> Home is where you have to wash the dishes.
  -- #debian-devel, Freenode, 2004-09-22

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