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Re: Linux-Info-Tag Dresden

Hello Sebastian!

Sebastian Feltel Sebastian Feltel <sebastian@feltel.de>:
> I've registered for a booth for debianforum.de at the Linux-Info-Tag
> Dresden [1] which will be on the 29th of October 2005. In
> debian-events-eu I found no indication for a "official" debian booth
> so probably I could take over this part.
As last years Tolimar and I will be there. Gerd Göhler from our local 
LUG has also confirmed. The Debian booth is registered at 

This wiki is used for planning.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Perhaps we could build the booths side by side?

> If someone is able help, assist or whatever I think we could create a
> really nice booth. :-)
Yes, more booth people will give us more time to chat with visitors in 
detail or listen some interesting talks.

Kindly regards,

 www.ErikSchanze.de *********************************************
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      * Linux-Info-Tag in Dresden, am 29. Oktober 2005          *
             Info: http://www.linux-info-tag.de                 *

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