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Re: Debian-Projekt auf der ApacheCon? [lars@apache.org]

Hi again

It seems as if getting those days free is possible for me, so I would
like to come, too. I also bring some Apache and even Debian Apache
knowledge with me. (But this knowledge is mostly restricted to Woody
Apache knowledge yet. ;-)


Some boxes with Debian and Apache, yes. ;-)

Very good!

I have no idea how many visitors we have to expect and how big the
booth will be, so it's hard to guess how many exhibition pieces we
should have.

I think we should know that rather soon.

 Additionally I can provide one or two switches, a 20m TP cable,Great
some smaller TP cables, some Mehrfachsteckdosen (what's that in
English?), etc.

Power strip.

But this isn't enough, I guess. A decent box or two with flat screens
and/or a beamer are always fine. Tolimar: Any Standard Debian Booth
Equipment available for this booth?

Dunno. Alexander?

D) A place to sleep.

I guess there isn't an AKK in Stuttgart, too. (I like to sleep in
AKKs. ;-) Maybe I can ask some people I know in Stuttgart, but this is
probably a short term option, because I meet most of them just the
weekend before ApacheCon. So if anyone else has good connections to
people living or even lives him or herself in or around Stuttgart it
would be nice, to check, if there is some place left for us to
sleep. I think, everything up to 25km is ok. (My brother lives about
90km away, so I think this isn't a real option.)

Hmm, I don't have an idea right now. But I'll give it some thought.
There is of course the ubiquitous youth hostel option but I don't know what kind of accomodation you elderly gentlemen are looking for ;)

E) Evening program!

I heard that there are nice possibilities to visit pubs with Apache
celebrities. ;-)

I am sure we'll find something nice to do. With or without celebrities (My not knowing apache too well also provides me with a blissful ignorance concerning apache celebrities ;)

F) Caffeine

Anyones how the caffeine support at ApacheCon looks like? ;-)

I assume it comes in cups.

Okay, so this adds to our little group:
1 apache competent person (woohoo!)
a bunch of hardware
a (kind of) car (I don't have one myself and I think neither does Alexander)

Very good, very good ...


Meike Reichle - University of Hildesheim

mail:	mrei0999@uni-hildesheim.de
www:	www.uni-hildesheim.de/~mrei0999

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