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Re: Debian-Day at LinuxTag

Am Dienstag, 26. April 2005 15:45 schrieb Alexander Schmehl:
> Good Morning!

> It looks quite good for the Debian-Day at this years LinuxTag.
> So far I got the following proposals:
> Speaker: Goswin "mrvn" von Brederlow
> Topic:  Debian archive structure ...
> Speaker: Joey Schulze
> Topic:  Scope, work and technique of security.debian.org
> Speakers: Andreas "aba" Barth, Martin "zobel" Zobel-Helas
> Topic:  Scope and Deployment of volatile.debian.net
> Speaker: Luk Claes
> Topic:  Internationalisation (i18n) and Localisation (l10n)
> Speaker: Norbert "nobse" Tretkowski
> Topic:  Backporting practice
> Speaker: n. n.
> Topic:  The Debian Women Project
> Speaker: Joerg "Ganneff" Jaspert
> Topic:  building bootable multi-arch CDs
> Speaker:  Michael "azeem" Banck
> Topic:  The Ubuntu Development and Community Model: Simularities and
> Differences To Debian
> Speaker: Andreas Tille
> Topic:  Custom Debian Distributions
> Comment: Andreas fears, it might become boring, since he covered
>   that topic a couple of times already.  So, if someone
>   comes up with a new idea for a talk, we could drop this
>   one in favour of the new one (Andreas, I hope I
>   summarized this correctly?)
> That makes a total of nine talks.  So we can easily fill a Debian-Day
> from 9:00 to 18:00 with hourly talks and no lunch break (That would be
> the same as last year).

is it still possible to add another speech?

We would like to give a talk about m23 (http://m23.sf.net) like last year.

Would it be possible to make a second Debian-Day@LinuxTag? There should be 
enough interesting talks and workshops for a second day.

Cu  Hauke


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