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Re: critics about our presence at LinuxTag 2004

Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> * Martin Schulze <joey@infodrom.org> [2004-06-30 00:14]:
> > Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> >> > > - If you are at the booth, and female visitors come to you, don't stare
> >> > >   at their breasts (or at least don't dislocate to do so).
> >> > > Possible solution: Don't allow female visitors to enter the exhibition
> >> > >   hall.
> >> > Err...  *cough*
> >> 
> >> Okay if you don't like this solution, what about giving the booth
> >> personal those kind of collar bandages with which you can't look down?
> > 
> > Sounds like fun.
>  Yeah, of course, because you are two heads shorter and still wouldn't
> have a problem looking around with such a thing...  *cough*

*patch* *patch* *patch*
*patch* *patch* *patch*
*patch* *patch* *patch*



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