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Re: Linuxtag 2004: Different Stuff

Zitat von Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org>:

> Looks like I found one doing this stuff.
> He will mail some Ideas about this stuff to this list.

So the person mentioned above is me :)
I'm slowly reading through the mails concerning this topic and I went ahead and
did a first remake of the Wappen-Logo. The second version now is without the
text "Linuxtag 2004" so the logo itself is more timeless and not only dedicated
to the Linuxtag 2004. I will keep on doing some versions as soon as I've read
all replies.

I've placed the graphics here: http://lennart.droste.eu.org/debian/

Lennart Droste stud.jur.
Alter Wetzlarer Weg 80
D-35392 Gießen
Rufnr: 0641-7950263
ePost: lennart.droste@recht.uni-giessen.de

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