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[LT Infomail#1] Welcome to LinuxTag - Debian


Dear project members,

this is the first infomail concerning the presence of various projects
on LinuxTag 2001, taking place from 5th - 8th of July in Stuttgart,

I\'m going to organize things a little bit differently than last year.
I hope to create less chaos than last year and hope to consume less
time.  We\'ll see if that works.  I\'d like to get comments if problems
should occur.

 1. The first list covers communication.  I have created a mailing
    list which is intended to be used by all projects and me to
    discuss general issues.  It has been difficult to talk to the
    other projects last year, this should enhance the situation.  So
    if you are interested in discussing things not only with me but
    with others as well, please subscribe to linuxtag-projects:

    echo subscribe linuxtag-projects|mail majordomo@infodrom.ffis.de

    A public archiv of this list is available at

 2. The second change you\'ll notice is that you can decide how you
    want to keep informed.  I will continue to send out infomails in
    which I\'m going to summarize things which are important for you to
    know, or even which I believe you should know. :)

    These are your choices:

    [ ] Mail sent to all members who gave me an email address (this is
        the current setup for all projects)

    [ ] Mail sent to a mailing-list of your choice instead (actually
        these two can be mixed)

    [ ] No mail, but frequently check a website where I\'m going to
        copy all infomails

    I plan to send these mails to the linuxtag-projects list as well,
    so this can be considered another choice.

    If you wish to change the current setup, please let me know.

 3. We will have more space to share than last year, which should
    improve the situation.  We will also have four or five different
    areas where a couple of booths are placed instead of a single
    crowded one.

 4. I\'m going to decide how large/small a booth will be depending on
    how much space is required (by counting how many people will be
    there for a project, what you are going to demonstrate and how
    many machines you\'re going to have).

 5. We have had an insurance last year and I expect to have one for
    this year as well, though I\'m not sure.  For this and 4. it would
    be wise to send me a list of people who will staff your booth.  As
    it was valid for last year, I\'m not going to hand out addresses to
    anybody outside of our team or other projects who are interested
    in who\'s there as well.

    This insurance will only cover people who got hurt during the
    exhibition.  It does not cover any of your machines.

 6. As always, if you have questions, please ask me (or ask on the
    list mentioned above so others can answer as well).

Even though LinuxTag was a lot of work last year, I have enjoyed it.
I\'m sure this year will be even better, larger and more fun.



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