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Re: Enquiry about building a new root file system

+++ Sruthi Inbavanan [2014-08-21 05:44 +0000]:
>    Dear Sir,

IT's best to ask these questions on the mailing list so that others
can benefit from the discussion.
>    I am an employee of Realtek Singapore. My team here is trying to build our
>    own root file system using the Debian source codes instead of using the
>    Emdebian root file system in order to facilitate our hardware
>    requirements. Hence, I would like to get your advice on whether this task
>    is possible to accomplish and if it is possible, then I would like to
>    request for your assistance in helping to provide a rough draft of where/
>    how to begin and the procedure to be followed henceforth.

You don't say if you want to make the filesystem image for a different
arch than the build host, nor whether a standard debian rootfs will do
or if you need customisation, either minor or major.

This page gives details of different image creation tools where you
are generasting it for a different arch:

Those techniques will work just the same on Debian as on emdebian

For making a native image then normal debootstrap is the usual tool,
but multistrap is also used if you need to merge packages from
multiple repositories or need tighter control of the package set
installed. The disadvantage is that you usually need more config

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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