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Re: Need armel build logs for 4 packages

On 2008-07-29 18:54 +0100, Neil Williams wrote:
> If someone could either send me compressed native armel build logs for
> these packages or upload the build logs to a server somewhere and send
> me the URLs, I'd be grateful. Ta. (The build logs do need to be from a
> native build on armel and for the version of the package currently in
> Sid.)

I've got a box I can do these builds on.

> I have had a few problems building some of the packages for armel - once
> or twice, the compiler has tried to link against files
> in /usr/arm-linux-gnu/lib instead of /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/lib and I
> need to work out why this happened. (Both -arm-cross and -armel-cross
> libraries are installed.)
> Are there known problems with building arm and armel binaries
> side-by-side?

I've done some of this and not noticed anything particuarly, but I can
imagine things looking for /usr/arm-linux* and thus getting the wrong

Principal hats:  Balloonz - Toby Churchill - Aleph One - Debian

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