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Re: A possible "emdebian-tools.postinst" patch for Ubuntu gusty?

On Sun, 15 Jul 2007 23:45:15 +0800
"Kun Niu" <haoniukun@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I've changed get_suite() as the following:

A patch would have been easier - am I right in thinking that you've
simply added 'gutsy' to the list of suites? It is hard to tell without
a patch. However, if you have, I am afraid you may have misunderstood
the purpose of get_suite(). It is not trying to determine if you are
running Gutsy, it is trying to determine which of the Emdebian
toolchains (stable, testing, unstable, etch, lenny, sid) are
appropriate for this installation and there is no Gutsy release in the
Emdebian repository.

The postinst has changed since you posted originally and the 'die'
statements have been downgraded to 'warn' so that the postinst doesn't
completely bomb out even if no suite can be identified at all, it just
defaults to unstable which at least creates a usable Emdebian source
for apt.

Writing /etc/apt/sources.list.d/emdebian.sources.list as: 
deb http://www.emdebian.org/debian/ gutsy main
deb-src http://www.emdebian.org/debian/ gutsy main
will not work! The Emdebian repository has no Packages file for Gutsy
and there is no easy way of mapping Debian unstable/testing to Ubuntu
release names.

This loop in postinst is not the only place that the suite is
determined, it is part of the Perl module Emdebian::Tools as well.

> sub get_suite()
> {
>         my ($cur_pri, $max_pri, $max_pri_suite);
>         # list of suites supported by Emdebian toolchain repository.
>         my @suites = qw/unstable testing stable sid etch gutsy/;

This doesn't take into account other changes between gutsy and unstable
and does not try to correlate the Emdebian repository (unstable) with
your system (gutsy) which may well result in uninstallable toolchain
packages, even if the repository had a Packages file for Gutsy.

There are still problems maintaining Debian-based toolchains in an
installable state, I can't promise that such toolchains would be
installable on Ubuntu.
> And I can install emdebian-tools on my Ubuntu box.
> But I haven't check the other tools yet.
> And I'll check if I've got extra time.
> Hope this would be helpful.:)

It seems a little too simple to be honest.

emdebian-tools 0.3.0 (which contains changes to postinst) will arrive
in Ubuntu fairly soon so I think you may be better waiting for that or
else building that from Emdebian SVN.


Neil Williams

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