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Re: chroot setup howto

Hello Carl,

On Sat, 2005-01-29 at 19:21 -0600, Quantum Scientific wrote:
> I am not saying *Scratchbox* is failing to install.  That went in perfectly, 
> and with several toolchains.  I had a blank filesystem ready-to-go with i386 

Good to know that Scratchbox installs fine :-)

> compile tools, however I do not know how to proceed installing EmDebian, and 
> no one here was able to advise.  I know several others here are in the same 
> boat, and are hoping that I get an answer so they can use EmDebian too.

Well basically we are putting the building blocks in place. There is no
real EmDebian distro yet! As long as there is none we cannot give you
detailed instructions on how to set it up.

> I am saying that I then resorted to installing your preferred Cross-Compile 
> Environment, in hopes of ascertaining how to install EmDebian, except it 
> fails installing every toolchain except ARM, with the error I posted.  At the 
> moment I must have the i486 toolchain.  It is busted.  And I do not even know 

Which i486 toolchain are you talking about? Because as far as I know we
don't have an i486 toolchain.

> whether installing your preferred cross-compile environment will lead me to 
> the way to set up EmDebian.  But this is the method I chose to try and figure 
> out how to install EmDebian, since no one here has been able or willing to 
> advise.

I have seen your posts go by, but had not immediately time to respond to
your questions. People are often very busy, so I am sorry if it took too

> I am not hoping for a ready-made project!  But I need some means to divine how 
> to install the distro.  I can't read minds.  The Wiki, assuming it has this 
> setup info, is a confused jumble and makes little sense to an educated 
> newcomer.   And almost none of my questions have been answered here.

Well the wiki is barely two weeks old. So it needs to be sorted out.
Indeed there is some confusing info...

> EmDebian is inaccessible, since your "collection of knowledge" is being kept a 

Most of it is in the mailing list. Just give time to respond. As in each
mailing list there will be responses that are less useful to you than

> secret for some reason.  If it's a club, or a priesthood, fsck that, I 
> understand and will get lost.  I hate that attitude;  people like that are 
> assholes and do nothing but harm the open-source movement.  But if someone 

I agree we need to work on the developer-> user communication, but as
there are mainly 3-4 people doing some work whenever they have time this
is not always easy.

> can understand what I am talking about and is willing to help, I'm willing to 
> try.

If possible I am willing to help you, and I hope I can bring some
general clarification in the next few weeks.



| Philippe De Swert 
| Stag developer http://stag.mind.be/  
| Emdebian developer: http://www.emdebian.org  
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