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Re: schedules Gnus releases

Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:

>         So, we have either forcing people running Sid's Gnus to
>  downgrade from No Gnus 0.3+ to 5.10.8, of ship an unreleased version
>  and complicate versioning for future releases.  Not a clean path
>  going forward. I am inclined to continue to ship No Gnus, and
>  hopefully Emacs and Gnus shall release soon, or at least before etch,
>  and then etch would release is Gnus 5.11.

Although it's been a while since I've followed Gnus development
actively, my understanding is that 5.11 will be the culmination of the
5.10.x branch that started out as Oort Gnus, and that No Gnus
(internally designated 5.11[.]000x) will eventually become

OTOH, the new ~/News/marks setup makes reupgrading after downgrading
problematic, so I'd still say that the sanest course of action would
be to stick with No Gnus until it evolves into 5.12.0, at which point
it will again be possible to follow stable branches without

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at alum.mit.edu, ucko at debian.org)
Finger amu@monk.mit.edu (NOT a valid e-mail address) for more info.

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