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Fw: Flowcharts with emacs?

Does anyone heard of it? 

Shouldn't it be interresting for Debian?

Eric Ludlam <eludlam@mathworks.com> wrote:
> You could try cogre (connected graph editor), but you will need to
> hack some lisp code to support flow chart blocks.  It is currently
> moving toward uml class hierarchy diagrams.
> http://cedet.sourceforge.net/cogre.shtml
> Eric
> -- 
> Eric Ludlam             "Photonic Doodler"    The MathWorks x 7556
> eludlam@mathworks.com         (work)        http://www.mathworks.com
> eric@siege-engine.com         (home)      http://www.siege-engine.com

-- Arnaud Vandyck

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