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Re: Wheezy Gosa² setup

Hi Mike

> Please send me the translation file, then... Obtain the .pot file from here:
> https://oss.gonicus.de/repositories/gosa-contrib/netgroups/

as I said, I first have to consider in which direction to go for next
school year 2013/2014

> Send the file back to this list and I will commit the translation.
> >What about release timings? I really need kernel >= 3 for my 10
> >starboard whiteboards (I'm using the russian GPL'ized lsadrv
> >module).
> Is linux-image 3.2.x from squeeze-backports an option? We stuff up
> our squeeze installation with packages from squeeze-backports which
> works fine.

I tested once the Kenji Muto .iso but only on pupil laptops.
I dropped the experience in favour of Ubuntu 12.04 (brand new hardware
combined with unskilled hands on). I should test it.
Anyway, since years I'm used to do most of things on "testing" which normally
is pretty stable. I don't understand why the debian-edu development is not kept
up to date on testing, thus having a release timing synced with main debian release.

> >My "non eduified" educational lan is already migrating to wheezy
> >in these days. I also
> >admit that debian-lan is also actracting me, because of flexibility.
> My secret dream is to use Debian LAN for D-E jessie. But for that,
> we indeed have to push out D-E wheezy shortly after the official
> Debian wheezy release.
> Mike

Merging the effort would be great. I also think this, and yes, for D-E jessie
the devel, please, in sync with jessie itself.

In my wishlist I would also like to see Cfengine3 deeper boundled; im currently using it since
November to keep the client in sync and is really great to automatize additional packages
and configs.


Sysadmin SPSE-Tenero
Ufficio:   +41 91 735 62 48 
Cellulare: +41 79 629 20 63

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