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Re: dvd space issues

[Louis-Maurice De Sousa]
>> To raise the quality of the project we need to be brave enough to
>> actually select the packages we believe in and drop the others,
> I really don't understand this point of view. Just like Steve Jobs :
> "We know, what you need"

If you fail to understand the difference between the filtering and
quality service provided by Debian Edu and a news paper, picking the
best and most interesting to save customers and users from having to
do this themselves, and the blocking "service" provided by Apple and
China, where access to non-approved things are blocked from the view
of their customers and citizens, I have no idea how to illuminate your

> That's information. It can be found in several sites. We have
> several in France :

Good to know. :)

> And teachers are not stupid and/or alone. They have there own social
> networks to know what to use.

Teachers are on the other hand constrained on time, and that is why we
need to do the filtering and provide quality packages out of the box
for teachers and schools to use.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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