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Re: cipux in NEW queue

Christian Kuelker skrev:
> Yes WLUS and LWAT too. As finnarne agreed, most lwat functions are
> not useful if you have a plain LDAP tree from plain Debian. The
> filling of the LDAP tree is the obligation of Debian-Edu. So if
> Debian-Edu fills the tree cipux-rpc do not have to.

Correction, wlus needs data prefilled in ldap, wlus should not need
that. In fact, if you find that it needs prefilled data in ldap, then
please file a bug report against lwat, using reportbug.

>> I would consider this as a violation of the 
>> debian policy, because it adds (without noticing) ldap data which no admin 
>> would expect while installing it and it gets not removed during a purge.

Filling data into a DB is not a violation, editing slapd.conf _is_ a
violation. As far as I know, cipux does both, so does debian-edu-config.

I'm not sure if it's possible to remove the configuration from
slapd.conf and having slapd still working (I dont rememer if I've ever
tested this.)

> If you consider the slapd from plain debian as Debian policy conform
>  installation with its basic tree layout. Then you must see that
> Debian-Edu is a policy violation by it self, since it adds several
> objects and 2 schemata for lwat or itself to work.

Again, lwat dont need this, and if you install lwat on a normal
installation, and you find that it wont work, please file a bug against

> The discussion shows that adding files to a file system and adding
> entries to a LDAP database is no violation.


Finn-Arne Johansen
faj@bzz.no http://bzz.no/
EE2A71C6403A3D191FCDC043006F1215062E6642 062E6642

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