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Re: should we ship iceweasel (firefox) on the first cd?

On Tue, 27 Feb 2007 16:24:43 +0100, RalfGesellensetter <rgx@gmx.de> wrote:

Dear List,

in most cases, Konqueror works fine. Iceweasle however, is not supported
by every web page (its browser tag that is).

Is Opera meant to be on the CD as well? As for browsers, we need
something like Mozilla composer/NVU anyway, so we could think about
trading Iceweasle for Mozilla suite.

Unfortunately there are a lot of web pages not working to well with
konqueror, and it's not very good at handling all kinds of plugins. A

Examples, please?

I'm sorry, but my statement was mainly based on reports from teachers using skolelinux sarge. They complain about pages not working, and in most cases if I tell them to use mozilla/firefox it works. I don't remember pages they mention. My own experience with konqueror is also from sarge and older versions of Kubuntu, where I often had to use Firfox instead, so I had given up using Konqueror. I did test it now, and I am pleased to see it works fine with some educational webpages with flash, java and video streaming from nrk.no and vg.no!

lot of educational net based software depends on browsers with
different plugins. IMHO iceweasel should be on cd1, along with most
common plugins, and gimp should be replaced with digikam with
plugins. Digikam is lighter than gimp, but suits most needs for image
manipulation in schools. Gimp is somewhat heavy, and the common
situation in schools is that you have groups with at least 5-10
pupils at a time. 5-10 users using gimp on thin clients
simultaneously is not a very good idea...

Didn't have any problems with this, so far (Java is worse). I love
Digikam, but it doesn't compare to GIMP. Here, krita (once it runs more
stable) from KDE Office is a more realistic alternative.

I have had several reports on systems more or less crashing when 10 pupils or more tried to use Gimp simultaneously. Digikam is no replacement for gimp, but as I see it it fills most needs at least for the first 12 years in Norwegian schools, according to "Kunnskapsløftet". Gimp is as easy as anything else to install, and I do not see it as a "showstopper" for releasing only 1 cd if Gimp has to be replaced.

Maybe I sidetrip, but skolelinux claims to be useable with older machines, but schools with older machines often have networks which not are exactly "state of the art", which in turn may cause problems like when thin client users push the limits with Gimp. I guess...

Bjarne Nielsen


P.S: Ooo and Gcompris are most space consuming. My idea was always, to
offer one CD for primary schools (no OOo), and one for secondary level
(Ooo, but no Gcompris).

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