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Re: [RFH] usplash artwork

Am 12.02.2007 14:34 schrieb Otavio Salvador:
> I had not checked your source code but one of problems I had when
> working with usplash is due its need for a specific struct to be
> defined. Check the structs names for correctness:
>  struct usplash_theme ...

I've already noticed this and changed it the following way (the change
is already included in the original tarball I mentioned in my first post):

--- usplash-testcard-theme.c    2006-06-20 12:11:13.000000000 +0200
+++ debian-dark-theme.c 2007-02-12 16:12:44.000000000 +0100
@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@

 /* Pixmap structure from autogenerated usplash-testcard.c */
-extern struct bogl_pixmap pixmap_usplash_testcard;
+extern struct bogl_pixmap pixmap_debian_dark;

 /* Font structure built-in to bogl */
 extern struct bogl_font font_helvB10;

 /* Theme definition */
-struct usplash_theme testcard_theme = {
+struct usplash_theme debian_dark_theme = {
        .version = THEME_VERSION,

        /* Background and font */
-       .pixmap = &pixmap_usplash_testcard,
+       .pixmap = &pixmap_debian_dark,
        .font   = &font_helvB10,

        /* Palette indexes */

While the name of the initial image is debian-dark.png

I've double checked it several times now and can't find a hint for an
error. It even compiles without warning, but the .so is simply not working.

Since all other files are generated from the sources, I don't have any
ideas left. foo-theme.c should be the only file I have to change when
creating a new theme shouldn't I?

Maybe my resulting .so is corrupt? Has the resulting .so to be stripped?
If yes, is «strip debian-dark.so» sufficient?

Thanks again and cheers,


Bastian Venthur                                      http://venthur.de
Debian Developer                                 venthur at debian org

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