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As some of you already know, we are moving services [1] away from
developer.skolelinux.no to be able to reinstall it with Sarge. Our
Bugzilla [2] is one of the services left to move away from developer.

Sorry about this _very_ short notice, but as noone has been visitng
bugs.skolelinux.no since 17:40+0200 today I will close it down, move
the database to maintainer and ask our hostmaster to make the
DNS-change right away.

As we will have to wait until hostmaster responds and makes the
DNS-change, I guess the bugzilla will be down until tomorrow morning
around 10:00+0200.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

- Werner

[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Infrastructure
[2] http://bugs.skolelinux.no/

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