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Re: .org proposal 2nd

On Thu, Feb 16, 2006 at 11:23:58PM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

> David C. Weichert suggest setting up global Skolelinux services in
> separate skolelinux.org subdomains[2].
> Kurt suggest using existing german tools[3].
> Morten Werner Olsen suggest setting up services separated by folders
> on one big skolelinux.org server[4].
> I suggest using existing Debian tools for anything development, and
> setup language-specific Skolelinux services for each local
> community[5].
> Putting my proposal last on this list is not due to manipulation,
> but simply that it seems to me as being the last proposal before
> that latest thread got absorbed by technical details.

Some of us talked a bit about this in Erkelenz and also later in the
Norwegian community, and I believe "we" agreed that the international
part of Skolelinux is, like I think Jonas means, the techical part or
Debian-Edu if you like. We started a bit in Erkelenz to use the Wiki
at http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu for information and documentation
about our techical solution. My suggestion for the international
"portal" is to redirect all traffic which now comes to the portal at
http://skolelinux.org/ to http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu .

> (but feel free to see this final remark as manipulation if you
> like ;-) )

Don't think it was your manipulation that made me change my mind, but
anyway.. :)

I still think there are needs for local teams with local portals for
e.g. political reasons. It is important to have local teams not only
to support the local developers, but also to do political work and
translating software and documentation. I'm sure there are many other
reasons as well.

But the important thing is that we stick togeter for a common goal is
to coordinate all techical work as one international group on this
mailinglist, the SVN repository at svn.debian.org (Alioth) and on
http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu .

- Werner

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