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Re: Question: what's wrong with KDE? (Re: 1 year report)

On Sun, 24 Apr 2005 18:35:21 -0400 Randy Edwards <redwards@golgotha.net>
>    Catching this thread I can't help but to add my $0.02 worth.
>    KDE or GNOME to me makes no difference, as long as you can run 
> binaries from either on whatever desktop is chosen.
>    I would suggest, however, adding a second window manager option 
> aimed at low-end machines.  Many schools want to run GNU/Linux on
> that honestly should've been thrown away years ago. 

If anyone is throwing some out - let us know, though shipping may be a
bit tough!    :-)
> As such, having some 
> sort of  "lightweight" window manager for such people would be a
> choice.  It doesn't have to be the primary focus of the distro, but
> something that runs and uses the menu items of the primary desktop.
>  Regards,
>  .
>  Randy

I live in Kyrgyzstan (NW border of China) where many of the donated
computers are older (486 or P1).  I am working with the Debian 3.0 r2
disks (Woody, 7 CDs) and a couple of university computing students to try
to find or make a lightweight distribution suitable for schools,
orphanages, prison reform centers, and libraries. We need a very user
friendly desktop, as few students here have ever used a computer (no
command line, just click and use/read/play). 

I'm not computer literate and would much appreciate guidance on preparing
a lightweight, (and user-friendly) install. 

We will use a fuller education oriented install for schools that have at
least one P2 or P3 to use as a LAN server. (Our main language will be
Russian with Kyrgyz translations planned for the future. We do have a
Kyrgyz Mozilla browser.) We will be donating (and teaching where
possible) Open Office in Russian for use on Windows platforms for newer
machines - or the OpenCD when I can get one in Russian. Whatever we do,
we want it to be FREE and legal.  Licenses are ignored here anyways, but
it's good to be legal  :-)
Also if you can offer guidance on preparing proposals for UNDP, USAid,
etc. please contact me.  This would be to develope OSS training centers
and to distribute and support library and school-based computer
educational centers.

With joy,
Jon Post

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