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Re: eZ in Debian-Edu and on skolelinux.org?

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On 20-01-2005 11:02, Bård Farstad wrote:
> On Monday 17 January 2005 13:29, Alex Brasetvik wrote:
>>Markus Gamenius has been in contact with the guys behind eZ [1]. They
>>are apparently eager to get eZ into Debian-Edu and to help us convert
>>from Plone [2] on www.skolelinux.org.
>>There are currently (at least) two issues with Plone on skolelinux.org.
>>One being the workflow (have to use the webpage, no automatic
>>notifications about translations, etc.) and a memory leak in Zope which
>>makes it necessary to restart Zope every few weeks.
>>The debate started on the Norwegian user list, but we feel our
>>international collegues need to join in. :) I just moved the debate, so
>>this post won't contain my opinions.
> As discussed on the Norwegian list there are a couple of issues with the 
> current solution for Skolelinux. The main issue as I understood is  
> maintaining different translations of content. It's a manual job of sending 
> an e-mail to the mailinglist whenever a piece of content that needs to be 
> translated is updated. 
> With eZ publish you have the multilingual translation features handling this 
> for you. If any piece of content are changed you get an e-mail with the 
> content that has changed. You can either get these notifications on a site 
> wide basis or just for the parts where you have the responsibility of 
> maintaining a translation. eZ publish has also full support for Unicode 
> (UTF-8) so the character sets should be no problem. You can see an example of 
> this setup at http://fast.no. Even transliteration is supported.

Translators of the Debian website use standard gettext .po files. That
means they can use whatever gettext tool they prefer to do the
translations, they can do it offline, and reuse standard terms they
collect from several different translation tasks (website, applications,
documentation). A localization team need only one person knowing about
the html generating code in CVS - the rest of the possibly large team
can deal with gettext files only.

I do not imply that Skolelinux has same goals as Debian for web engine,
but when translators ask for possibilities of doing stuff "offline" they
may actually be _very_ lazy (read: effective).

> If you want to work offline you can do so in OpenOffice.org and write your 
> documents there. These documents can be directly imported into eZ publish.  
> Import takes place either via the eZ publish Web interface, but 
> also with WebDAV which provides you with a document management 
> infrastructure integrated in your desktop.

Writing new documents from scratch only, or can I export an existing set
of pages as an OpenOffice document, edit it offline, and apply my changes.

And if someone else added a paragraph while I was offline, will that be
silently overwritten, merged with my changes, or will I get a warning?

If I get a warning, does it simply say "document edited while you were
out - try again from scratch" or help isolate any merging conflicts?

 - Jonas

- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 - Enden er nær: http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm
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