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Re: [Mini-Debconf India] Updates on the January 2015 Mumbai mini-DebConf

On Monday 03 November 2014 04:07 PM, Rigved Rakshit wrote:
> Hello,
> After further discussions with the FOSSEE team at IITB, here are the updates:
> 1. Dates for the mini-debconf have been confirmed as follows:
> 17/01/2015 and 18/01/2015 - Saturday and Sunday


> 2. We will most likely be provided the following:
> One 250-seater classroom for the keynote session. This classroom will
> be reused for the hackathons.
> Five 60-seater classrooms for conducting the sessions / workshops.
> There will be spike guards and wifi Internet access available in all
> these classrooms.

Is there a possibility of getting labs for some hands on sessions?

> 3. They will be providing official confirmation from the IIT
> authorities for the event soon.
> 4. Accommodation will be provided on campus, only for the speakers,
> from 16th to 18th January, 2015.
> 5. We will need to arrange for food / beverages because the IIT campus
> has only one restaurant which might not be able to cater to the
> mini-debconf.
> 6. We are looking at the possibility of live streaming all the
> sessions. We are looking for volunteers with prior experience in this.

Free Software, Free Society conference in Thiruvananthapuram was live
streamed. Vimal (cced here) would be able to share his experience.

> 7. The FOSSEE team will check if they can provide the "Invitation
> Letter" to the Ministry of External Affairs for any International
> speakers.
> 8. We need to get the http://in2015.mini.debconf.org/ website up and
> running soon.

Contact debconf team via irc.

> 9. The FOSSEE team wants to meet all the volunteers in-person,
> preferably on a weekday. Let's schedule this for sometime in November.
> Best Regards,
> Rigved

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