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Re: bug in dpkg ?!

Previously Christian Hammers wrote:
> 	Depends: debianutils (>=1.6), libdbi-perl, perl (>= 5.004), libc6 (>= 2.1), libncurses4, libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1, mysql-client
> 	Suggests: mysqld, mysql-gpl-doc, mysql-gpl-dev, mysql-gpl-bench
>         Conflicts: mysql (<<3.22.22), mysql-base, mysql-server (<<3.22.22), mysql-doc (<<3.22.22), mysql-dev (<<3.22.22), mysql-bench (<<3.22.11), libdbd-mysql-perl (<<1.1832), mysql-client
> 	Replaces: mysql, mysql-base, mysql-client
> 	Provides: libmysql6, mysql-client

The package depends on itself via mysql-client. If you remove that
circular dependency it should work.


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