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Sarge Release Notes - Status update

Dear translators,

The release has been postponed by one week and is now planned for the 
weekend of June 4/5.
!!! This means that the deadline for translations is: Thursday June 2. !!!

The last planned changes have now been committed, together with some minor 
improvements. We are very sorry we've had to make so many structural 
changes this week; unfortunately it was necessary.

The current revision (1.50) should be your next target for translation. 
Translations for earlier revisions will be removed from the website on 
Friday June 3!

There still is a possibility that some errata for packages that can cause 
problems during the upgrade will be added over the next days:
- Zope 2.6 needs user credentials during upgrade
- Perl DB_File data not backwards compatible
- ...

There may also still be corrections if important errors are found during 

Frans Pop

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