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Volunteer Raising Ugly Head... ;-)


As a Debian user for over a year and a software developer for longer than I care to admit (on last count 23 years, 24 environments), I believe that Debian presents the greatest chance of becoming *the* Linux reference.

I have lurked on the debian-sparc list for a while as a result of wanting to run a sparc-elc that was doing nothing, and having decided that all my machines should run debian (who's making it *work* on a PB1400 :-), I have spent countless hours playing with i386 and it would be accurate to say that this is where the large part of my Debian experience lies.

In my day-job I run my own (one person) company, which provides Apache/MySQL/PHP solutions for small and medium companies.

The time has come for me to return the support that the Debian community has bestowed upon me, both directly and in-directly.

I toyed with the idea of offering my development skills, but at this stage don't feel confident enough to take on that responsibility, I'll work up to that - once a programmer, always a programmer ;-)

Instead I am offering my skills as a volunteer to the DDP.

I suspect that many of you will say - great, dig-in and off you go.

I'd like to think that just scratching an itch - some document that needs work - will make that document better, but I feel that there are probably documents that need work more urgently.


I am prepared to offer one hour a day of my time to DDP and would like to know what needs doing.

I suspect that there will be many things I know nothing or little of, so be gentle :-)
()/)/)()	..ASCII for Onno..
|>>?		..EBCDIC for Onno..
--- -. -. ---	..Morse for Onno..

ITmaze   -   ABN: 56 178 057 063   -  ph: 04 1219 8888   -   onno@itmaze.com.au

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