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Re: Merged release notes (was Re: Errouneous link in dist upgrade documentation)

On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 12:41:25PM +0200, J.A. Bezemer wrote:
> > > especially the <p>-surrounding of every <example>, which looks _much_
> > > better in the .txt and doesn't seem to affect other output formats.
> > 
> > I seem to remember that debiandoc-sgml maintainer told me not do do this.
> Than let him fix the text-mode output. Which can't be done any more for
> potato, so we should use a workaround.
> > And I don't understand why is it so much better, not even why is it
> > different.
> Compare this:
> ---------- text mode, without <p>'s
>           if `/dev/hdc' is your CD-ROM drive, `/etc/fstab' should contain a
>           line
>                /dev/hdc      /cdrom     auto    defaults,noauto,ro     0   0
>           To test this, insert a CD and give commands
> ----------
> ---------- text mode, with <p>'s
>           if `/dev/hdc' is your CD-ROM drive, `/etc/fstab' should contain a
>           line
>                /dev/hdc      /cdrom     auto    defaults,noauto,ro     0   0
>           To test this, insert a CD and give commands
> ----------

Humm. This code:

  For example, if <file>/dev/hdc</file> is your CD-ROM drive,
  <file>/etc/fstab</file> should contain a line like:

  /dev/hdc      /cdrom     auto    defaults,noauto,ro     0   0


     For example, if /dev/hdc' is
     your CD-ROM drive, /etc/fstab' should contain a line like:

            /dev/hdc      /cdrom     auto    defaults,noauto,ro     0   0

<next line here>


(I think I was advised against putting extra blank space between <example>
and text start, even, but it seems to work :)

> > One big question: if dselect's multi_cd access method (or dselect at all for
> > that matter) should not be used anymore for upgrades, as your changes to the
> > Release Notes imply, the dpkg-multicd package should be removed, no? I have
> > left the dselect stuff there, for now.
> There is NO dselect method (except `apt') which handles dependencies at
> _install_ time. (dselect does only at _select_)

ITYM package ordering... I understand now, I'll remove it and advise only
about using APT.

> The dpkg_multicd package can be kept (at least for the moment), because it
> does a relatively good job when installing additional pkgs in a "stable"
> release. But it's never meant to do upgrades, and nobody should try to use
> it for that purpose.

The old Release Notes said exactly that. Joey (dpkg-multicd maintainer), do
you know why?

Digital Electronic Being Intended for Assassination and Nullification

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