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Re: New Maintainer's Debian Packaging Howto

> Hmm.  I think Mr. Leutloff might have a point here.  Perhaps we should
> petition Mr. Perens and Maor for a /debian/home/ftp/private/DOC directory
> on master,  so that doc-writers can upload .tgz copies of thier documents,
> and they can just get mirrored to the debian-doc homesite.
> Not sure how complicated this is,  but it'd allow us to upload .sgml
> files,  and .html/.ps .... without somebody having to manual update pages
> all the time.
He definitely has a point. I do in fact mirror most external pages so they
get distributed with the Debian pages. When I do is the question.
I generally wait until the evening to do that sort of work so I can get it
done quickly (faster response). I also wait until the location of the files
being mirrored is stable so I don't need to make changes later. Keeping the
web pages up to date and free of errors takes a lot more time than you'd think.

In short, as long as the files are accessible by ftp, no world writable
directories are necessary on master.

- Sue

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