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Re: Re: Default font: Transition from DejaVu to Noto

Hi Gioele,

> For example Noto Serif {Ahom, Bengali, Devanagari, Malayalam, Tamil,
> Thai, …} could be merged into "Noto Serif Asia". Then, Noto *
> {Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Oceania, Symbols} could be shipped in
> the fonts-noto-aggregated package and their entries added to Debian's
> fontconfig as default fallbacks. This would greatly alleviate the
> problem of having too many entries in the font pickers, yet provide
> the same coverage of fonts-noto-core.

nice idea! But this is something that has to happen upstream. I don't
think the Debian package is the right place to implement such a
disruptive change.


 - Fabian

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