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Re: Potential MBF: packages failing to build twice in a row

On 2023-08-09 10:56 +0100, Simon McVittie wrote:
> On Tue, 08 Aug 2023 at 10:26:09 +0200, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> > With this you touch another purpose of `debian/rules clean`: Removing
> > generated files. Since we currently discourage repackaging and
> > `dpkg-source -b` is vaguely happy about deleted files, a common
> > technique for dealing with generated files is really shipping them in
> > the source tree and then deleting them via `debian/rules clean` while
> > relying on build tools (and our buildds do this) to clean before build.
> > >From my point of view, this is the main purpose of the clean target at
> > this time.
> > 
> > Do others see this strategy of dealing with generated files as viable
> > and is it compatible with git-based workflows?
> The major alternative to this use of d/clean is to repack the tarball
> with the generated files completely excluded, for example via uscan with
> Files-Excluded in d/copyright.

I generally prefer to do this. The original source is smaller (often
dramatically so: today's example shinks from 18MB to 2.3MB after
excluding some test images of uncertain provenance). I find a lot of
upstream sources shrink by a factor of at least 3 if you get rid of
the cruft.

I'm not sure why we discourage this as it does seem pointless to fill
up our archive with vendored copies we don't use/want or windows
binaries, docs that will be rebuilt anyway, or similar.

For stuff that is sufficiently extraneous I don't always put a +ds in
either, as what's left really is the source, not 'the source plus a
load of pointless cruft for other OSes'.

I understand why we like to distinguish between 'upstream exactly' and
'a modified version', but there is a common set of repackings which
really is just a better version of 'actually the source'. I think it's
good practice to use these as our 'upsteam', and I'm not convinced of
the value of adding a '+' suffix in this case. Perhaps we could/should
adjust policy to say that this is in fact good practice?

> If your upstream has non-DFSG or ambiguously-licensed files in their
> source releases and you need to repack a +dfsg tarball to get rid of
> those files *anyway*, then there's no significant additional cost to
> excluding generated and irrelevant-to-Debian files while you're there.


> If not, then the decision to be made is whether the generated files are
> large enough or annoying enough, in combination with other factors (like
> whether there are vendored subprojects whose copyright/licensing would be
> a lot of work to track in d/copyright), to justify repacking a +ds tarball
> without them.

There is very little work in adding some exclusions to
debian/copyright. That's it, and then (at least for
uscan/uupdate/debuild/sbuild type workflows) everything 'just
works'. So it's easy to justify in terms of maintenance effort IMHO.

The only maintenance load comes if/when upstream move things around.

I have never tried Helmut's suggestion of removing this stuff in the
clean target. It does seem to me that removing it from the tarball
makes a lot more sense than cleaning it later.

Principal hats:  Debian, Wookware, ARM

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