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Re: Q: uscan with GitHub

On Sun, Oct 9, 2022 at 7:06 PM Volans <volans.ubuntu@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've encountered the same problem and come out with a version of the watch file using the GitHub APIs. In my case I also needed to download the PGP signature. I've add some comments to the watch file for an easier understanding.
> The approach should be generic enough to work for others [1].
> The package name in the URL could also be replaced with @PACKAGE@ if that's the same of the GitHub project name.
> In my case too, tags are prefixed with a 'v' (i.e. v1.2.3), but that's easily adaptable to different formats.
> What is the process to find an agreement on which updated version should be published on the wiki [2] ?

I mentioned it before, one should increase the limit of results per
page to the maximum (which is 100).
Also I don't think using `@PACKAGE@` is a good idea inside the URL as
it is maybe different from the Debian source package name.

For releases I use something like (w/o signatures):
filenamemangle=s%v?@ANY_VERSION@%@PACKAGE@-$1.tar.gz%" \
https://api.github.com/repos/<user>/<project>/releases?per_page=100 \
For tags:
filenamemangle=s%v?@ANY_VERSION@%@PACKAGE@-$1.tar.gz%" \
https://api.github.com/repos/<user>/<project>/tags?per_page=100 \

One could probably combine the tarball search link into a unified
regex expression, didn't try that yet.

Overall I agree that the Github API thing should be documented in the
Wiki and in the uscan man page.


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