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Re: LESS copyright, not more!

Adam Borowski <kilobyte@angband.pl> writes:

> Guys, once again we had a complaint about forcing people to waste their
> time on copyright matters then wait months or years for review of said
> matters -- just for the discussion degenerate into a proposal to bring
> even MORE copyright into our life!

To be very clear, the reason why I am interested in SPDX and REUSE is so
that I can do *less* copyright, specifically so that I can automate
generation of debian/copyright for my packages from information that
upstream already tracks and never have to think about it, touch it, or
update it.

This doesn't achieve less copyright law in the world (I fear nothing we do
technically can do that since that's a political and legal issue), but it
achieves the goal of me spending less total time dealing with copyright
and licensing issues than I do now.

So I think we may be more aligned than it may appear.  Yes, I think
everyone knows that SPDX and REUSE can specify a ton of extra stuff that
we aren't tracking now.  The goal (at least as I see it) is *not* to make
everyone track all that stuff.  It's to (a) use that work if it already
exists instead of making folks waste time repeating that work, and (b)
expose the information that we did have to gather in a standard format so
that other people can similarly have less copyright in *their* life by
automating their pain as well.

But to be very clear, what I'm hoping to get out of this is less time
spent on copyright and licensing, not more.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)              <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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