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Re: CTTE requesting questions for DebConf20 BoF

[cc:ing debian-devel so -announce doesn’t get swamped — apologies and please suggest a better list (or none) if I chose poorly ….]

Greetings, Sean Whitton!

Thank you for laying out the context.
I will put in a few questions as I look at how I want to contribute to Debian community.
If this triggers early discussion, so be it.

Re: proposal #2:
How does the Committee currently handle “hey this is fundamentally non-technical and out of our scope”?
(eg refer to Debian Project Leader to re-delegate)

Does this really suggest forming a Non-technical Committee?  (maybe even constitutionally mandating)

Re: proposal #5:
Why must sending implicit/out-of-scope duties elsewhere require disbanding TC?
If such implicit/out-of-scope duties accreted, it seems like not by Constitution, so can DPL delegate/distribute those away from TC?

Re: TC as nuclear option, proposal #4:
What’s done currently to mitigate?

Perhaps this encourages forming a well-known lesser body, formal or informal, to give advice
and serve as a rally-point for hammering out proposals and encouraging design work.
(Or two, one for advice/review and one to track/encourage the actual work.)

In many US-based non-profits, the past heads of organization as a group visibly serve such a role.
For instance, in Toastmasters International, past District Managers serve as this “council of grey-beards”,
along with the explicit mandate to help mentor prospective and future leaders for their respective districts.
A naive translation of this idea would propose all past TC members together be asked to fulfill this role.

Re: no design work:
What prevents the TC from visibly tabling a matter pending further design work?
Perhaps with specific advice/observations/suggestions for designers to consider?
Maybe even in conjunction with DPL/someone designating specific folks to create proposal(s)?

Re: advisory body:
What prevents TC members (acting as an informal group which is not the TC) from being that advisory now?


Joseph Beckenbach

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