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Re: Sentry for Debian services?

Hi Bastian (2019.12.25_23:08:40_+0000)
> I don't think we already have a Sentry instance for Debian services
> running?  Are there other services in need for a Sentry instance?

If it were available, I'd probably use it for the DebConf websites.
There are bugs, and I don't see them all in the logs.

Some personal data there, (conference registration), of course. So maybe
people would prefer we didn't send this off to 3rd party services...

> I looked at the install documentation[1] and it tells me that I don't
> want to run Sentry myself.  Any takers?

I've run it in the past, when it was just a Django app, with a couple of
service dependencies. That was easy.
These days it looks like more of a beast :(

> Another option may be using the hosted solution, which they give away
> gratis to open source projects, which we might be.[2]

Had good experience with their hosted solution.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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