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Re: Consensus Call: Git Packaging Round 1

>>>>> "Andrej" == Andrej Shadura <andrew@shadura.me> writes:

    Andrej> important to preserve pristine upstream tarballs with the
    Andrej> move to Git, and it’s okay to regenerate them from a Git
    Andrej> branch without trying to preserve checksums of the tarballs
    Andrej> upstream has somehow generated.

    Andrej> I disagree with that point of view, and I think it is
    Andrej> important to keep them, not only for Debian, but even more
    Andrej> so for Debian’s downstreams.

That's on my list for discussion in round 3.
I'd ask you to have your argument about why this is important ready to
present in a couple of weeks.

I think that people value upstream integrity.
The interesting question will be why tarball integrity is better or
worse than git tag integrity.


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