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Re: duplicate popularity-contest ID

On 2019-08-06 08:33:36 -0700 (-0700), Russ Allbery wrote:
> Hm.  I think that's still in the range of what could be explained
> by VM cloning, although the 2600 with the same ID is surprising.

A CI system which is using cloned virtual machines could easily do
that. I help operate a CI system which boots and deletes far more
than 2600 new virtual machines of some distro/version combinations
every day, though it hasn't relied on cloning to create images for a
few years now. On the other hand, including popcon on a test VM
*and* enabling it to report does seem like an odd choice for a CI
system, but I've seen far stranger misconfigurations over the years.
Jeremy Stanley

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