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Re: Survey results: git packaging practices / repository format

>>>>> "Enrico" == Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.org> writes:

    Enrico> On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 10:42:29PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
    >> I hope you all won't mind too much that Sean and I have
    >> privileged our own point of view, in the columns which contain
    >> value judgements, and that we hope to retain that property of the
    >> page.

    Enrico> I have no problem with you making a collation of the results
    Enrico> from your point of view, but I would also like to see some
    Enrico> more objective presentation of the survey results, even if
    Enrico> in a more raw format.


Ian is working to present this information at a BOF I'm running at
Debconf targeted at understanding requirements people have for using git
in Debian.

I think it would be helpful for both of us to describe ways in which you
find that there are objectivity problems that would get in the way of
presenting the data in that context.

I think especially at that bof we'd like to avoid people feeling that
some practice that they cared about was mischaracterized or

Yet we kind of need one person to give a short presentation to get it
into something that can fit into a bof.

So any help you can provide pointing at things that seem too subjective
would be appreciated.


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