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Salsa CI Sprint - MiniDebConf Hamburg

Hi all !

The weekend is over and so it's the MiniDebConf (yeah, I started this draft last week and forgot to send it). I'd like to thank everyone who was there, we had a great time. It was my first Debian experience, and it won't be the last. To Holger and everyone involved on the organization: great job!

I'd like to use this email to summarize the work we've done over the sprint and the new things that came up.

- Finally managed to run the autopkgtest job as debci does. This closed a lot of issues related to these differences. There's still work to do, but we're on it :) Thanks terceiro and elbrus for the help.

- Presented the 'Salsa CI - Debian Pipeline for Developers' talk introducing continuous integration and Salsa CI. We had amazing feedback, many were people interested on the project and more new projects adopted the pipeline. The video can be found in [0] and the slides in [1]. I strongly recommend everyone to watch all the talks [2].

- Invested some time helping developers to debug their pipelines (most of them successfully) and documented issues that appeared with features presumably missing on the shared runners.

- Many new ideas emerged, like interconnecting pipelines to test dependencies that aren't on the archive yet and having a way to deliver the salsa pipeline results to upstream on every change they submit (to allow developers to realize asap if the change breaks Debian packaging).

- Still having problems with reprotest[3]. Now that autopkgtest is on good shape we might continue working on the reprotest job to make it more similar to reproducible-builds

- Some people got really interested on supporting more architectures in the pipeline, so we're planning to add arm64 runners and expand the pipeline to run on both architectures. arm64 would be a good start but first we need to get sponsored cloud runners ;).

We will continue working on this and everyone is welcome to use, report and contribute to the project :)

Thank you all !

0_ https://meetings-archive.debian.net/Public/debian-meetings/2019/miniconf-hamburg/salsaci.webm
1_ https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/de/2019/MiniDebConfHamburg?action="">
3_ https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=928921#22

- ina

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