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Re: Let's start salvaging packages -- Summary of the BoF Session.

On Sun, Aug 05, 2018 at 01:20:47PM +0000, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> Package 'salvaging' is about an involuntary change of maintainer involving
> someone who is sufficiently active in the project not to be MIA.  It's
> fundamentally different.
> I suspect it's constitutionally sufficient for the TC to approve the
> salvaging process as long as the process allows them to resolve related
> disputes.

But there is _no_ dispute.  All the maintainer has to do is to close the ITS
bug within a month.  Thus, if the bug remains unanswered, there is no one
who would want to dispute the bug.  And not even a temporary incapacitation
is a problem: for an ITS to be filed, you'd need to neglect the package
quite a while, thus the package was effectively unmaintained for much longer
than a month.

Involving the TC is a heavyweight process, and is fit for when there's an
actual disagreement.  A disagreement requires two parties, with ITS one of
them is gone.

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