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Re: De-Branding of Icedove, reintroducing Thunderbird packages into Debian

Hello Lionel,

Am 21.02.2017 um 11:38 schrieb Lionel Elie Mamane:
> If home directories are shared between machines, one machine has
> icedove and the other thunderbird, will they collaborate decently on
> the same profile directory?

this should work as the "real" old Icedove packages uses ~/.icedove and
Thunderbird now uses ~/.thunderbird as default.
But that you probably wont do. You probably want to use Icedove on one
machine and Thunderbird on another machine and you want to use the
profile folder for booth, that will also work if you use versions that
not differ that much. The best would be to only Thunderbird or only
Icedove with the same version.

Combining usage of booth profile folders with symlinking is the thing we
currently talk about to not copy .icedove into .thunderbird.

Carsten Schoenert

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