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Re: changelog practice, unfinalised vs UNRELEASED vs ~version

On Sun, 12 Feb 2017 at 12:48:35 +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> What do people think ?

I think you're the only person I've ever seen using unfinalized
changelog entries for Debian packages.

If I'm understanding correctly, your motivation to do so is that you
have a strong belief that building a Debian source package with `debuild`
or similar, directly from a VCS checkout, should always work and should
always produce results that could be considered correct (in terms of not
having the version number of a prior version, not having the version
number of a future version either, not claiming to have been released
by a person who did not in fact release it, and so on).

These might be valid axioms for your particular workflow, but they do
not fit all workflows, and I don't think they are necessarily the
axioms that lead to the best practical results.

Broadly, the two extremes of workflows for Debian packages' changelogs
maintained in git seem to be:

* Write the changelog as you go along: each commit includes its own
  Debian changelog entry. The `debcommit` command assumes this model.
  This works fine if every commit is final and immutable and is sent
  directly to the master VCS immediately, but works very poorly if you
  are proposing commits for someone else to merge at a later date -
  a lot like how the GNU model of writing ChangeLog as you go along is
  widely considered deprecated, because it guarantees that every git
  cherry-pick or merge will have conflicts in ChangeLog.

* Write the changelog later: each commit just has a commit message
  in a normal git way, and its debian/changelog is out of date.
  At release time, write a cumulative debian/changelog entry for
  everything that happened since the last release, finalize it and
  commit it. The `gbp dch` command assumes this model (and is very
  useful when following it).

with a middle ground that is less theoretically defensible than
either, but pragmatically quite useful:

* Mostly write the changelog later, as in the second model.
  Periodically summarize the changelog so far (since the last
  commit to the changelog) and commit it as an UNRELEASED
  changelog entry, providing a reference point.
  `gbp dch --since=1234567` is useful for this model.

I'm concerned that the first model is optimized for people who know
Debian as well as you do, and do not need pre-commit review because
they get everything right first time. I don't think Debian would be as
large or successful a project as it is if we restricted our contributor
base to people who know the corner cases as well as Ian Jackson does :-)

> Q2. Should the changelog entry be finalised ?  That is, should it
>     have an uploader name and date ?

While as an abstract model I agree that the uploader name and date
are not meaningful in an unreleased version, I can't help thinking
that this is a "boil the ocean" sort of change - a lot of tools follow
and require Policy syntax, in which the uploader name and date are
non-optional. Obviously, Policy only really applies to finished packages,
and unfinished packages often violate the semantics of Policy (for
instance by using UNRELEASED as a suite name); but it seems reasonable
for a tool author to oppose changes that, as well as violating Policy
semantics, also violate Poliy syntax.

Allowing and ignoring an arbitrary and non-meaningful uploader and date,
or possibly establishing a convention like Unreleased <nobody@localhost>
for the unreleased uploader, seems more pragmatic.

I should point out here that `dch`, which is commonly used for the "write
the changelog as you go" model, preserves the uploader and date of the
first commit after the previous release until the next `dch -r`. This is
not theoretically defensible at all - using the most recent committer
and date would be more correct - but in practice it works pretty well
as a way to minimize conflicts, reducing them to an acceptable level
(although still more than if you write the changelog at release time).

> Q3. Should the version number be the intended next version number,
>     or should it be decorated with ~something ?  If it should
>     be decorated, what should it be decorated with ?

The solution to this I used in build-snapshot[1], a continuous integration
script for the Debian derivative Apertis, was to see whether the current
version is tagged, and if not, use dch(1) to synthesize a changelog
entry for a version number based on `git describe` (1.2-3+45+g1234567
for commit 1234567, 45 commits later than 1.2-3) with a dummy uploader
named Snapshot <snapshot@localhost>. In theory this pseudo-release
could itself be committed to git, but in practice we don't either need
or want to do so (and it would be easy to create an infinite loop
where the new commit is subjected to continuous integration, generating
a new pseudo-release and so on).

In the project where this script originated, we mostly follow the
"write the changelog later" workflow, because that's what is familiar
to developers who are not Debian experts - it matches what you would do
in a typical non-GNU upstream project, where ChangeLog is generated at
`make dist` time from the git history. Many of my colleagues in that
project are not Debian specialists; with some pre-commit code review they
can update existing packaging without problems, but we can't (and don't)
expect them to follow every Debian convention, particularly where Debian
as a whole doesn't *have* a convention.

When making packaging changes, we occasionally make a commit that is
unreleased (UNRELEASED in the changelog) and summarizes the changes
to date, using `gbp dch`. This makes build-snapshot switch to a mode
where it generates versions like 1.2-4~1.2-3+45+g1234567 (commit 1234567,
changelog says 1.2-4, last tag was 1.2-3 45 commits ago) which provides
a point of reference that other unreleased packages can use in
dependencies like foo (>= 1.2-4~). That puts us into the "middle ground"

We rarely use the "write the changelog as you go" workflow because it
works poorly with pre-commit review, which we use extensively (we use
Phabricator and cherry-pick commits into a linear history, analogous
to a workflow based on git-format-patch and git-am, but kernel- or
Github-style merge/pull requests would also run into similar problems).

Our experience with this script and workflow has mostly been very positive,
and I intend to integrate similar functionality into Vectis[2] soon. The
one thing I'm regretting is making it switch behaviour based on whether
the current version is tagged; I think that's "too much magic", and it
forces you to tag a version before you have built and tested it.
In Vectis I'm aiming to turn it into two separate commands
`vectis snapshot` and `vectis release`[3].

Clearly, the down side of this approach is that it doesn't work as-is
with debuild or similar, violating what I believe to be the axiom you're
working from - the developer has to run a special script instead.

One benefit you get for dropping that axiom is that you get a
machine-generated version number that is unique to a commit[3]; as long
as you don't rebase (a fast-forwarding branch), version numbers go up
monotonically; and even if you rebase while preparing changes to propose
for the next official release, the version number you get is less than
any reasonable choice for the next official release's version. Another
benefit is that this approach works fine with any of the models for
changelog maintenance that I described above, whereas insisting on the
contents of the packaging VCS being suitable for `debuild` at any time
only works with the first one.

> Q1. Should the suite in the changelog entry be UNRELEASED,
>     or the suite at which the vcs branch is targeted ?

If you're trying to change common practice (being prescriptive rather than
descriptive) *anyway*, maybe something like experimental-UNRELEASED that
contains both, with UNRELEASED being shorthand for unstable-UNRELEASED
(or possibly ${current development suite}-UNRELEASED in Ubuntu
and other derivatives)?

That makes these special pseudo-suites look a lot like a partial suite
(or a pocket in Ubuntu terminology, for example jessie-backports or
stretch-proposed-updates), which I think they sort of are, if you
look at them from the right angle.

Vectis currently treats UNRELEASED as "use this vendor's development
suite" unless overridden with a command-line option.


[1] https://git.apertis.org/cgit/apertis-customizations.git/tree/development/build-snapshot
    (maintained in the Apertis Debian derivative, but written to be
    suitable for any Debian packaging that uses DEP-14 branches if invoked
    with --packaging, or for any upstream project with an Autotools build
    system, tags like v1.2, and in-tree Debian packaging otherwise)
[2] https://github.com/smcv/vectis / https://bugs.debian.org/843486
[3] https://github.com/smcv/vectis/issues/8

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