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Re: Bug#737634: dpkg-dev: please reject native/non-native version when building native/non-native source packages

>>>>> "Bernhard" == Bernhard R Link <brlink@debian.org> writes:

As I mentioned I have a packaging branch and an upstream branch.
I wish to use debian revisions to reflect packaging changes.

It's slightly more complex than changes to debian directory involve a
debian revision change; changes to other things involve a upstream
version change.

As an example I produce both RPMs and Debs. Just as I don't want to
increment the upstream version number because of a spec file change, I
don't want to increment the upstream version number because I updtaded
build-depends in debian/control.
Especially when the debian directory isn't even on the upstream master
branch.  Incrementing the upstream version number (which appears in
configure.ac among other places) so I could make changes to files that
don't even appear on that branch is an undesirable work flow.

I guess I could have a debian upstream version number that differed from
the actual upstream version number.
That seems undesirable from a user expectations standpoint as well as
potentially impacting things in unexpected ways.

The bug claims that it is a violation of policy to  use 3.0(native)
without  a.orig.tar.something.
I'm actually failing to find that in policy at all.
I'm finding some SHOULD level recommendations, but certainly not MUST
level recommendations, I can think of reasons why a maintainer might
want to voiolate those shoulds.

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